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Love is in the air <3

Love is in the air: It’s time to work on building healthy relationships

Our lives are full of relationships. From the time we are born, we are members of families, friendships, teams, social organizations, schools, workplaces and many others. At this time of year, we tend to focus on romantic relationships. While details change depending on the type of relationship, the basic building blocks for any healthy relationship are the same: communication, trust and respect.

So while love is in the air, take time to reflect on your romantic relationship and evaluate whether the basic building blocks are present. If so, congratulations and continue to build upon communication, trust and respect to take your relationship to the next level. If you question whether this solid foundation is present in your relationship, take a step back and look for ways to establish a stronger base before your building tumbles. If you have questions or need help, call Bucknell Student Health at 570-577-1401.

Check out the relationship quiz at

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