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Breaking the mold

“Break” the Mold

Many Bucknellians are choosing alternatives to the traditional Spring Breaks of years past which is great news! Instead of a week filled with excessive drinking, sexual exploits, and legal troubles, Bucknell students are reaching outside the bubble to have a rewarding experience in places like Nicaragua and the Grand Canyon.

No matter what your plans are, Bucknell Student Health wants to make sure your health doesn’t go on Spring Break with you! In order to make a positive impact while away from campus and return ready to finish the semester strong, we offer a few ideas to stay safe and healthy:

Prepare, Be Aware, Take Care, and Don’t Dare


  • Lewisburg hasn’t seen warm, sunny weather in sooo long, remember the sun can be dehydrating and burn your skin so pack plenty of non-alcoholic drinks and sunscreen.
  • If you are planning to drink alcohol while on break plan to drink less
  • If you believe you may be sexually active during break, take condoms! (especially if you are traveling somewhere more remote where they may not be available)
  • Get a physical and recommended vaccinations before traveling abroad

Be Aware:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings
  • Know if places you are traveling have safety concerns
  • If you or your friends are consuming alcohol, pay attention to serving sizes and who has had access to your drink

Take Care:

  • Don’t travel alone
  • Call for help if your friend has had too much to drink
  • Take time to exercise
  • Remember to incorporate healthy foods in your diet. If you travel abroad remember wash it, peel it, cook it or forget it!
  • Don’t drink and drive, dive or any activity which requires high levels of alertness, reflexes, and abilities
  • Remember to get some sleep
  • Slather on the sunscreen, wear sunglasses

Don’t Dare:

  • Avoid drinking games
  • Do not perform risky activities (water sports, climbing, using heavy equipment) while under the influence.

Break the mold and make this Spring Break one you will remember fondly for years to come!

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