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A letter from the Dean of Students

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

I am writing to inform the campus community that two Bucknell students have been diagnosed with bacterial meningitis since leaving for the Thanksgiving break. Both are under close care at hospitals. We have been in contact with the students’ parents and other Bucknell students whom we know to have recently been in close association with the infected students. We have been advised by Infectious Disease and the Department of Health to issue a campus wide alert.

Meningitis, whether it is bacterial or viral, is spread only through close, prolonged contact with an individual who is a carrier. Meningitis cannot live outside of the body, so sharing a classroom, dining hall or other social space does not, in and of itself, place you at risk. Below you will find important information and precautions to take to help protect yourself from this illness:

● You cannot get meningitis without direct and personal contact with an infected person, so avoid activities such as kissing or sharing a drink or toothbrush with someone who is sick.

● Avoid sharing utensils, bottles, cigarettes or anything else that goes in your mouth with other people.

●  Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

●  Always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

●  Avoid smoking and excess alcohol.

●  Eat healthy foods and get plenty of rest.

The early symptoms of meningitis are similar to other common illnesses. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention:

●  Fever, headaches, body aches and/or fatigue

●  Stiff neck

●  Nausea

●  Vomiting

●  Confusion

●  Sensitivity to light

Our physicians at Bucknell Student Health are in contact with the medical staff at the treating hospitals and have determined that at this time there is no need for broad prophylaxis.

If you have general questions regarding meningitis, you can visit If you have specific, health-related questions about meningitis at Bucknell, you can contact:

●  Pennsylvania Department of Health at 1-877-pahealth

●  or email Melissa Allen, RN –

If you have other questions about meningitis at Bucknell, you can contact the Dean of Students Office at 570-577-1601 or
If other issues about this situation arise of which the campus community should be aware, we will certainly share them with you. Thank you for your attention to this message.
Amy Badal
Dean of Students

Catherine O’Neil

Medical Director, Bucknell Student Health

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